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Gucci Bags Australia,Gucci handbags,Discount Chanel Bags on sale,Cheap Handbags

已有 73 次阅读2012-2-28 11:41


comparing this bag to the sofia coppola x louis vuitton collection is perhaps not entirely fair, but the similarities are inescapable. the vuitton bags don’t feature the webbed stripes down the center, which are a gucci signature, but i think i actually like it better this way. solid leather mini duffels aren’t hard to find, even if finding them in leather as nice as that of coppola’s bags can be a bit challenging. gucci uses perfectly reasonably materials, though, and the center stripes give the bag a preppy-traditional flourish that an all-leather option would lack.

this version of the bag, though? this i can use. and would use. and maybe will use? $1350 isn’t a price tag to sneeze at,gucci bags australia,gucci handbags,discount chanel bags on sale,cheap handbags, but for a classic, functional leather bag (with a little bit of flair) from a highly sought-after handbag brand,gucci bags australia,gucci handbags,discount chanel bags on sale,cheap handbags, it’s not as bad as it could be. particularly not when you consider how much a louis vuitton bag with a similar design would go for. (hint: three times as much.)

over the past couple months,gucci bags australia,gucci handbags,discount chanel bags on sale,cheap handbags online shops, i’ve written about a couple different gucci boston bags  one had logo fabric,gucci purse, the other had a signature check flanking the webbed center stripes. i liked both, but i don’t make a habit of buying bags that cost more than $300 or so if the main material isn’t leather, so neither option was on my radar for personal use.



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